Typical solar panels are sold listing watts peak. Watts peak gives the consumer a ranking system for their purchases. Watts peak is determined in a lab environment with a set temperature, light quantity and angle set to a standard and then voltage open circuit and current short circuit are measured for wattag. The values of amount of light, surface area and wattag are put into an equation to determine efficiency. The current recognized record holder is 24% efficient.

How does 88% efficiency sound. On most work days Voltage open circuit, current short circuit and footcandles are measured. It works pretty good but understanding behavior is good to have. The percent efficiency is determined and usually all are recorded under a listing called ‘ today’s readings’.

Out of the entire data list (all recorded readings and calculation results) are recorded in a spreadsheet. The best efficiency so far is 88% efficient. That is some good behavior. Efficiencies swing with conditions. Temperature affects voltage output, Current output is affected by clouds, atmosphere and the panels angle in relationship to the sun or the bright spot in the clouds.

If you are buying solar do you want 24% efficient or 88% efficient. Here is the kicker. The production panels will be better built then the current panel under test. Efficiency and wattage should both increase. Remember this system is designed to give good power out through out the day. Maintenance is required but the system should last 60 to 100 years if you know how to replace cells then who knows how long it will last. Quite a property improvement and it pays for it self.

Enjoy. It only gets better.